Type of Medication: Water soluble radiopaque contrast medium
Indications: Treatment of meconium ileus equivalent (Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome)
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, skin reactions, anaphylactoid reactions, shock, occasional diarrhoea.
Route of administration: Adult (Oral)
Dose:(over 8 years old) . Give a single dose of 100 ml on the first day followed by 50 ml od for 2 days. Increased dose may be used
Administration: Take with 4 times the volume of water or fruit juice. Keep patient well hydrated.
Route of administration: Adult (Rectal)
Dose:100 ml diluted 3 to 5 times with water
Administration: Keep patient well hydrated
Route of administration: Paediatric (Oral)
Dose:(Over 1 month) < 15 kg: 15-30 ml,< 25 kg: 50 ml, >25 kg : 100 ml once a day, then half doses on day 2 and 3.
Administration: Take 4 times the volume of water or fruit juice. Keep patient well hydrated
Route of administration: Paediatric (Rectal)
Dose:Under 2 years: 15-30 ml, 2-12 years <25 kg: 50 ml, >25 kg: 100 ml diluted 3 to 5 times with water.
Administration: Keep patient well hydrated.
Examples of some Drug Interactions
Interacting drug: beta blockers
May aggravate hypersensitivity
Interacting drug: Interleukin
Increased prevalence of delayed reations.