
Type of Medication: Steroid

Indications: Reduction of respiratory inflammatory once infection is under control

Side Effects: Glucose intolerance, elevation of mood. Rapid intravenous administration of large doses associated with cardiovascular collapse. See Hydrocortisone

Route of administration: Adult (Oral)

Dose:500 to 1000mg daily for 3 days

Administration: Give over 30mins in 100ml NaCl 0.9% or Glucose 5%

Examples of some Drug Interactions

Interacting drug: Amphotericin

increased risk of hypokalaemia

Interacting drug: Antidiabetics

antagonism of hypoglycaemic effect

Interacting drug: Cyclosporin

cyclosporin levels increased

Interacting drug: Digoxin

potentiates hypokalaemia and may therefore result in toxicity

Interacting drug: Diuretics

antagonism of diuretic effect

Interacting drug: Itraconazole

possibly inhibits metabolism of methlyprednisolone

Interacting drug: Rifampicin

accelerates metabolism of corticosteroids

Interacting drug: Theophylline

increased risk of hypokalaemia

Interacting drug: vaccines

immune response impaired: avoid live vaccines