Tranexamic acid
Type of Medication: Haemostatic drug
Indications: Minor haemoptysis, thrombolytic overdose, menorrhagia, epistaxis
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, colour vision disturbances: thromboembolic events reported rarley
Route of administration: Adult (Intravenous)
Dose:0.5 to 1 g tds (local fibrinolysis)
Administration: Slow intravenous injection over five to ten minutes. Dose reduction may be required in patients with renal impairement.
Route of administration: Adult (Oral)
Dose:1 to 1.5g 6 to 12 hourly (local fibrinolysis). Review after two weeks or when haemoptysis resolves. Dosages in other indications differ.
Examples of some Drug Interactions
Administration: Dose reduction may be require in patients with renal impairement.